Patented High Performance

Good for your customers, good for your business: Panomera®

The Panomera® multifocal sensor technology is designed to cover a scene in a predefined pixel density across the entire object space from one installation point. If compared to high megapixel cameras, a multiple of megapixel camera units would be required to provide the same coverage as one Panomera® does.

With Panomera®, everyone benefits:

  • The enduser from better security at lower total cost
  • The integrator from a competitive offering and higher margin


Panomera® is as easy as a traditional surveillance camera.


3D planning tool "PlanD"
Free of charge for partners


Just one additional day of technical Panomera® training


One-man assembly with patented Mountera® system


Intuitive software for auto-calibration

“Depending on the application, we save up to 20% of total operating costs with Panomera. Planning, installation and operation differ only minimally from conventional systems.”


Frank Pokropp, Managing Partner, Freihoff Sicherheitssysteme

advantages for integrators

Maximum Value

  • Maximum security performance
  • A true unique selling proposition
  • No competition

Minimum Effort

  • Minimal training effort
  • Fewer systems
  • Lower overall cost

Perfect Business

  • Highest security
  • Best performance
  • More margin

Further information



Make the difference - with Multifocal Sensor Technology

How installers and integrators can benefit from Panomera®