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The masculine formulations used in this information are used for reasons of easier readability; they apply to all genders and have no discriminatory background.
In order to protect and promote trust in the Dallmeier company, we consider legally compliant behavior to be indispensable. To achieve this goal, we align our business activities with the Dallmeier Code of Conduct and the associated company regulations. We supplement these self-imposed obligations with a whistleblower system in accordance with the German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG). In this way, Dallmeier can avoid liability risks and the risk of reputational damage.
The HinSchG relates to the reporting of legal violations. It serves to improve the protection of whistleblowers and to implement the EU Directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law.
Dallmeier must be aware of violations of the law within its own ranks so that these can be remedied as quickly as possible. It is in Dallmeier's interest to be the first point of contact for indications of unlawful behavior.
If you have any concerns or questions about Dallmeier products and services, please get in touch with your respective contact person at Dallmeier.
Who can be a whistleblower?
A whistleblower under the HinSchG can be any natural person who has obtained information about violations in connection with their professional activities and reports them.
In addition to the whistleblower himself, persons who support the whistleblower as well as persons who do not make the report themselves but are the subject of the report or are otherwise affected by the report are also protected.
Which violations can be reported by whistleblowers?
Not every report of a breach of legal provisions is covered by the HinSchG. The prerequisite is always that the violations must relate to the company with which the whistleblower was or is in professional contact (§ 3 (3) HinSchG).
Whistleblowers enjoy the protection of the HinSchG if they report violations of criminal provisions (e.g. theft, discrimination) or violations of administrative offenses (e.g. occupational health and safety regulations) or violations of federal and state legislation as well as violations of directly applicable EU legislation.
Where and how can you submit an indication?
Indication can be submitted to the internal reporting office via the following channels:
By post:
Dallmeier electronic GmbH & Co.KG
– Meldestelle Hinweisgeber –
Bahnhofstraße 16, 93047 Regensburg
Phone +49 941 8700-330
Online channel:
It is important that the information is formulated as specifically as possible in order to be able to process the information and, if necessary, initiate appropriate investigative measures. Whistleblowers should ensure that the descriptions can also be understood by non-experts. It is helpful if they are available to answer further questions.
An external reporting office has been set up at the Federal Office of Justice as another equivalent option for submitting information:
What happens after an indication has been submitted?
If a report is submitted, the internal reporting office will confirm receipt of the indication to the whistleblower within seven days.
The reporting office processes the indications in a confidential manner and informs the whistleblower within three months of any measures planned or already taken, e.g. the initiation of internal investigations, possible measures to resolve the problem, closure of the procedure due to lack of evidence or other reasons, involvement of an authority.
In the case of substantiated indications, other departments within the company, in addition to the reporting office, are also involved in processing the indications in order to carry out the necessary internal investigations.
All incoming indications are documented in accordance with § 11 HinSchG in compliance with the confidentiality obligations.
Protection for all parties involved
The whistleblower system guarantees the greatest possible protection for whistleblowers and those affected. An investigation will only be initiated after careful examination of the indication and if there is concrete evidence of a violation of the rules. Discrimination, intimidation or hostility resulting from an indication to the Dallmeier whistleblower system will be investigated and punished according to the same procedure.
The reporting office maintains the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower if the submitted information concerns violations that fall within the scope of the HinSchG. In addition, confidentiality is observed for persons who are the subject of an indication and for other persons named in the indication. The identity of the named persons will only be known to the persons responsible for receiving indications or taking follow-up action.
Of course, the protection of the whistleblower only applies if the indication was not made improperly, grossly negligently or even intentionally false. In such cases, it will be possible to take action against the indicating person and, for example, to assert claims for damages.
Data collection, data processing and data protection
Reporting offices within the meaning of the Whistleblower Protection Act are authorized to process personal data in accordance with § 10 HinSchG, insofar as this is necessary to fulfill their tasks specified in § 13 HinSchG. The data processing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 c) GDPR. Unless there are statutory retention obligations, the data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required for the purpose of their processing. The deletion period for the documentation of indications under the Whistleblower Protection Act is three years after completion of the procedure (§ 11 (5) HinSchG). Documentation may be retained for longer in order to comply with the requirements of the Whistleblower Protection Act or other legal provisions as long as this is necessary and proportionate.
You are entitled to request information about the data stored about you in the context of indicating procedures under the Whistleblower Protection Act and to request that the data be corrected if they are incorrect, or deleted if they are stored in an inadmissible manner.
You can contact our data protection officer at
Projekt 29 GmbH & Co.KG
– Christian Volkmer –
Ostengasse 14
93047 Regensburg
Phone: +49 941 298693-0
Fax: +49 941 298693-16